Harabi Clinic
1. Personal Information name age and gender nationality and the country of grown-up( This is for the environment of growth) occupation length and weight eye color 2. Medical History family history past history pesent history 3. Chief Complaints ( Please describe in detail ) 4. Other Symptoms Relating to Your Body or Mental Status 5. Medical Signs pulsatory motion( number, strength and other things as you can feel) color of the face(not the skin color but the impression) digestion function( good, gas, feeling heavy, stuffy, pains and other things as you can feel) urination( frequency per day, color, and others that you are feeling) feces( frequency, color, hardness, and others) foods( especially favorites, alergic foods and other special things) sweat( much, average, little, and the area of frequent sweating for ex. middle of breast or palm or face or head, etc) menstration( regularity, period, quantity, pain and pain area and othe things) conea color( white, grey, yellowish, bloody) skin( thin, thick) tongue( white coated, yellowish coated, stained with purple, reddish or pinky, dry or wetty with area for ex. apex or middle or root of tongue) If you send the photo of tongue by e-mail or mobile phone( 010-2987-2674, korea), will be best! abdomen( the area of pain or hardness with finger press) finger nail( long or short, round or triangle, frontal or sagittal section, color where are dark or white for ex. root or end?) 6. Other things you want to talk about.